Dromund Kaas (8)Full unit name: Dromund Kaas
Last updated: 22.08.2024 14:44:24
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Basic info
First appearance: Jedi Knight : Mysteries of the Sith (Video Game)
Birthplace of: Sariss
Supporting Characters
, Rycus Kilran
Rycus Kilran
Supporting Characters
Homeworld of: Jurgoran
Known Facts (4)
Colonization of Dromund Kaas (4980BBY) (3) »
The Cold War (1) »
Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector. Originally a colony of the Sith Empire, its location was lost by the time of the Great Hyperspace War
Great Hyperspace War
Old Republic Era
with the Galactic Republic, but the Sith Emperor led his people on a twenty-year odyssey that ended with the rediscovery of Dromund Kaas in 4980 BBY. The Emperor and the remnants of the shattered Sith society reconstituted the Sith Empire with Dromund Kaas as its capital, taming the planet's savage jungles and building up their Empire's strength from the skyscrapers of Kaas City. Dromund Kaas remained safe from Republic reprisal when the Empire launched the Great Galactic War in 3681 BBY, though a Republic invasion fleet assaulted the Imperial capital in 3640 BBY during the Galactic War with the Empire while a Jedi Knight fought and defeated the Emperor in personal combat.
The reconstituted Empire eventually dissolved before 2000 BBY, and Dromund Kaas' jungles gave way to murky swamps over the centuries as the planet's location once again fell into obscurity. A major battle of the New Sith Wars was fought on Dromund Kaas, and several decades later the rogue Sith Lord Darth Millennial established the Dark Force religion on Dromund Kaas after he rejected the Rule of Two and abandoned the Order of the Sith Lords. The Prophets of the Dark Side who followed Millennial's religion ruled Dromund Kaas for almost a thousand years before they incurred the wrath of Darth Sidious
Major Characters
, causing the Prophets to abandon the planet for Bosthirda. Despite its relative obscurity, the planet became embroiled in the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars, but the powerful influence of the dark side of the Force on Dromund Kaas continued to draw both Jedi and Sith to the planet over the next several decades.


See also
Related events
Colonization of Dromund Kaas (4980BBY)
Creatures that inhabited the planet
Organizations that operated here
Reconstitued Sith Empire
The Cold War
Complete list

Full unit name: Dromund Kaas Last updated: 22.08.2024 14:44:24